Case Study
Geneva Airport streamlines its expenditure after achieving ISO 55001 certification
Following a long and intensive effort to improve the performance of its infrastructure, Geneva’s international airport achieved ISO 55001 certification, thereby enabling it to streamline its expenditure, strengthen its credentials and future-proof its facilities.
Using ISO 55001, Geneva’s international airport rolled out a model for asset management and, today, is soaring to new heights. It is the first airport in continental Europe and the second Swiss company to become certified to ISO 55001.
The airport, which operates under the name of Genève Aéroport, reinforced its credentials among airlines that see ISO 55001 as solid evidence of an airports reliability to handle increased passenger throughput while staying profitable and maintaining safety – giving the hub a competitive advantage when opening new air routes.
Airports are enterprises with a high asset value that operate in a complex environment comprising diverse business activities and systems, and subject to strict requirements in terms of risk mitigation.
They have to meet exacting, sometimes restrictive, international regulation as well as the increasing need to optimize costs while maintaining the highest levels required by quality standards.
Because an airports activity is highly dependent on the state of its infrastructure and assets, any malfunction or deterioration, especially of its most critical assets, is a potential risk to the fluidity and continuity of operations.
Having an asset management system in place according to ISO 55001 reduces uncertainties and contingencies because the standard requires the implementation and monitoring of an asset management plan.
With the implementation of ISO 55001 Geneva Airport expects 25 million passengers by 2030.
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