Case Study
Steel Company saves USD 7.6m in year 1 with ISO 50001
ArcelorMittal Saldanha Works is part of the South African steel industry, producing Hot Rolled Coil (HRC) steel products in Saldanha Bay, located on the West Coast of South Africa. Rising electricity and energy prices combined with the global and South African economic downturn have impacted on the plant’s competitiveness, while at the same time the company’s overseas competitors have not generally experienced the same degree of energy price increase.
By gaining accredited certification to ISO 50001, ArecelorMittal Saldanha Works saved roughly ZAR 90 Million (USD 7.6m) within the 2011 period, against a minimal capital investment of ZAR 500,000.
The company was able to offset this investment in less than four production days.
Further information is available in this factsheet on the Clean Energy Ministerial website.