Case Study
Arabian Cement Company saves $8.74m from ISO 50001
Arabian Cement Company (ACC) has a production capacity of 5 million tons per year of high quality cement for the local and international markets. In 2014, the Egyptian government started to phase out energy subsidies, and so the business gained accredited certification to ISO 50001 to improve its energy performance.
The adoption of an EnMS has proven to have several direct and indirect benefits:
- Total Energy performance improvement by 72,417 MWh representing 1.8% from the baseline (1.5% heat consumption reduction, 4.4% power consumption reduction)
- Corresponding GHG reduction 127,147 tCO2eq (15% from baseline)
- Long term reduction in operation and maintenance costs through energy efficient design and procurement.
- Reduced exposure to change energy prices and hence better competitiveness.
- Better understanding of energy users performance impact resulting in an improved decision making process.
- Improved operation efficiencies.
- Improved maintenance practices.
Further information is available on the Clean Energy Ministerial website.