ISO 14001 delivers positive results (Australia 2012)
The study shows that external and internal motives have different effects on different aspects of benefits resulting from ISO 14001 adoption.
Results of this study shed light on how the triple bottom line performance outcomes are inter-related with each other, illustrating the chain reaction or path through which firms can realise multiple aspects of benefits from implementing ISO 14001, from environmental to social, and market benefits.
Managers are also able to use the research framework within the study for evaluating their internal and external operating environment, which are likely to lead firms to achieve different performance outcomes.
Regarding the managerial implications, practitioners can use the research framework for evaluating their internal and external operating environment, which are likely to lead the firms to achieve different performance outcomes. The findings of this study also inform managers that environmental benefits should be realised before they can expect to reap social and market benefits from the adoption of EMS. Importance focuses on developing measures to reinforce the environmental outcomes to achieve future social and market gains.
Case study concludes, companies who have adopted ISO 14001 produce the expected results internally and externally.
A copy of the report is available here
Prajogo, D., Tang, AK.Y., Lai, K. (2012), ‘Do they get what they want from ISO 14001 adoption?: an Australian perspective’, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 33, 117–126 (2012).