Case Study

Accredited breast cancer test at UK Hospital cuts waiting time by 90 per cent

Breast cancer patients are now benefiting from drastically reduced waiting times for treatment thanks to a test, accredited by UKAS, now being carried out at Worcestershire Royal Hospital. The test has cut the time doctors have to wait before being able to decide which treatment to give patients, from three weeks, down to just two days. Previously, the test to determine the best treatment was sent out to a 3rd party laboratory based in Birmingham. The test is now completed by staff at Worcestershire Royal Hospital, which provides a significant saving for the trust.

The assessment of the hospital is carried out by UKAS accreditation which provides the hospital with the potential to provide this service to other local hospitals and NHS Trusts in future. Further information is available on the Worcestershire NHS acute hospitals trust website.

Accredited breast cancer test at UK Hospital cuts waiting time by 90 per cent



Sustainable Development Goals

Good Health And Well-being

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